losing money

It’s not something anyone plans to do, but it happens to some of us. As I am pondering over my life as an entrepreneur, I see I’ve made some mistakes that took me off my course.

I started online in October of 2000 with a gift basket site: I knew nothing about building or maintaining a website, SEO, or how to run a business for that matter.

In the process of learning how to bring potential customers to my site, I not only learned how to rank well in Google, but I also learned about AdSense and affiliate marketing.

And with that knowledge, I began to suffer from the “shiny object syndrome”, as some call it. I wanted to test everything I learned, and so I started accumulating a new domain for every new project I thought I needed.

I also started to look for other ways to make money online (sound familiar?), and so I lost my focus. I went from making a consistent $200/day to sometimes only $10/day.

I learned a lot in the past few years, but how is that good if I can’t get out of learning mode? Just learning something new every day will not help me unless I make a decision to follow through and apply what I learned.

So, I’ve been pondering where to take my business form here on, and I decided I need to get back to basics. I already started “trimming the unnecessary fat”:

• gave away several domains I didn’t have time to develop
• sold a site I lost interest in
• let a few other domains expire
• started this blog to share my journey back to a profitable online business

Are you making the same mistake? If so, it’s time to look at your business and decide today to focus: one project at the time!

9 comments on “How to Lose $200 a Day”

  1. Adriana — Bingo! Great story … and true for many people. Just think ahout how fast you’ll be able to get from “strart to profit” with the tools and knowledge you now have in your toolbox. No new shiny objects needed. Good luck on this new blog. I’m sure that anyone who visits here will get a helpful dose of advice.

  2. Thanks Denise for stopping by and for the encouragement: I am looking forward to sharing the good as well as the bad, so we can all learn.

  3. What a great story – the fact you made it to $200 a day is something to be very proud of – even if you lost your focus for a while. Sounds like you are back on track.

    I look forward to following your journey!

  4. Way to get started and do it. I have been in the same spin for about 10 months and not sure which way to go. Every turn adds new learning opportunities, which lead to no action on my part. I have made the leap of faith and look forward to the journey. Good luck on your journey, with content like this you will succeed quickly.

  5. Totally cool that you made it to $200 a day before.
    I can see that you are now focused on back on track.
    I have been in a similar situation and currently am working
    on focused action myself.

  6. Adriana,

    I think it’s great that you were making $200/day. You’ll get back there. I can relate to what you’re saying. It’s so easy to get sidetracked. Just today I saw a home business selling country decor items, and since I am a country “nut” I thought it would be great. Then I sat back and realized that I don’t want to do home parties:-)

    Stay focused! You have a great start here.

  7. So glad you are sharing about this. It’s taken me years to put it this simply: Focus, implementation and results go hand in hand. Following the bright shiny objects, even though it seems to be an easier solution, leads to waste, loss and distraction. I feel so fortunate now that I’ve found the SSWT Elite group that we are part of to show me the way to DO what I am learning right away to show results and earn income. I’m seeing it’s in the DOING part of LEARNING that the next step becomes easier.

    I look forward to sharing the path with you, Adriana, as you share your journey here1
    Best for now,

  8. I think all of us that have come online can totally relate to this story. I truly loved the fact that you “trimmed the unnecessary”.
    That is one thing that many people don’t do.They try to do so much at once that they end up not accomplishing their goals. It’s all about having goals and persistently working towards achieving them.
    It’s great that you’re going after doing what you’re passionate about. This will help you get though those hard times.
    All the best,

  9. Thanks for sharing your thoughts Adriana. A great “reality” check! and I can relate to what you’re saying. All the best in your journey which I look forward to share via the blog and SSWT forum/webinars. Keep DOING 🙂

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