How To Make Money With Info Publishing?

You might be surprised to know that in addition to selling your products, you can make money in other ways. Information publishing lends itself to many profit models.

Affiliate Income

You can make money on affiliate sales. In fact, many information publishers make just as much money in affiliate commissions as they do in book sales.

Affiliate marketing enables you to earn a commission by promoting products. If you’re writing an ebook on how to organize your garage then you might link to garage or home organization products. Each time a customer clicks on a link and makes a purchase, you earn a commission. In addition to including affiliate links in your information products you can also write content. This content drives traffic to your website. It also boosts your marketing and your SEO. In the body of this content include affiliate text links. It’s another opportunity to earn money.

Advertising Income

Another way to earn money is to sell ad space on your website. If you have a lot of traffic selling ad space can be quite lucrative. Generally, ad space isn’t something you can charge much for in the beginning of your business. However, as your business grows you can start selling ads. In the meantime you might consider filling the ad space on your website with on-subject affiliate banner ads. You can at least earn money when someone clicks on them and makes a purchase.

AdSense income is another possibility. AdSense pays you money each time someone clicks on an ad on your website. You can place the ads anywhere: copy and paste your advertising code and you can start earning.

Up Selling and Other Opportunities

Finally, many people find that their initial product sells so well that they decide to expand. An ebook can be the beginning of an information publishing empire. You might write more books or courses on your topic or you may choose another niche. You may also find that partnership and growth opportunities come to you. You may get offers for teaching or guest speaking. Information publishing can lead the way to a whole new future.

How to Find Keywords Quickly

This week I was checking my stats for this blog to see how I was doing ( BTW, it’s been the best month since I started the blog, with 3781 unique visitors and still a few days to go).

Anyway, back to finding keywords quickly: as I was looking to see who sends me visitors, I saw this link: And since I haven’t seen this before, I thought I’d take a peek. Let me show you what I discovered:

keyword  report for my online business journey
Go ahead: click on the image to see it full size

It’s showing the organic keywords I rank for, and in which position, AdWords competitors and their positions, organic competitors, and so on: lots of great information.

But what I wanted to show you is how you can quickly get a list of keywords for your niche by checking out your competition. Let’s take an example: for example, if I wanted to promote nursing necklaces, I could go to, enter my key phrase and see what happens.

nursing necklace keyword research
Look what I got in just a few seconds

I now have information about volume search, CPC, competition, related searches, organic results and AdWords results.

What I did next, was click on sites that ranked organically to see if I spot any new key phrases. And I do. I clicked on a few of the sites from the list above, and below you’ll see what I learned.

From this site, I learned about a couple of new keywords: mommy necklace & breastfeeding necklace.

More key phrases associated with my niche: teething necklace, teething bling, teething jewelry. While these key phrases are not exactly for my niche, they give me an excellent opportunity to write articles or blog posts for my audience.

I poked around some more and found nursing beads, breastfeeding jewelry, breast feeding necklace (see the different spelling), and even booby beads: all related to my niche.

So far, this took me all of 5 minutes to do. Now, I am going to take my new-found key phrases, and head over to the Google Keyword Tool and plug them in. Ta-da! I now have over 30 keywords I can work with: write blog posts, create a review, write a few articles to submit to directories, guest post, etc.

The niche I choose here is tiny, and even so I came up with lots of key phrase’s to use. Try it in your niche and you’ll be busy using your new information  for the next few months.

I’ve done all of the above with the free version, but there is a much more information if you get the paid version.

Dream of Being a Blogger? The First Thing You’ll Need is a Great Web Domain Name!

This is a Guest Post by Nicole Dean

More and more moms are getting into the blogging scene. Some for fun, some for profit, and some for both. Why not make money while you’re blogging about your favorite stuff, right?

It’s easier than ever to get started blogging. But the first thing you need before you begin is an idea for your domain name.

What is a domain name?

It’s the “www (dot) SOMETHING (dot) com” that people will type in to get to your blog. It’s like your address.

There are some standards for what is a “great” domain name, though, verses one that makes you wonder what on earth that person was thinking!

In order to help you to come up with a great web name that you’ll love for years, here are my unbreakable rules for choosing a domain.

  1. No hyphens. Avoid dashes and hyphens. I’ve been there. Done that. Regret it to this day.
  2. No numbers. Do I spell it out “seven” or is it the number “7??
  3. Avoid words that are difficult to spell. Although I once was really excited about using a domain with the word “catalyst” in it – I found that no one could spell the darned thing.
  4. Domain should end in .com. I don’t bother with other endings like .info or .biz. People tend to type in .com at the end of everything, so it’s usually best to stick with a .com ending.
  5. Domain must NOT have any copyright names in it. I would not recommend using “Starbucks”, “Disney”, or any other company name in your URL or you may get a “cease and desist” email. Yes, even though you’re starting as a little mom blogger, eventually you might get huge. So, it’s best to plan for success in advance and avoid using trademarks in your URL.
  6. If you are looking to sell your blog down the road, it must be generic enough. For instance, I wouldn’t buy “” to talk about my favorite football team if I planned to sell the site ever, because I’d have to find someone named Nicole to buy it.
  7. And my big, bad unbreakable rule.: it must pass the Oprah test.

What exactly is the Oprah test? Well, I picture Oprah saying it out loud. “Today I have with me, Nicole Dean, author of Blah blah blah and owner of”. Is it memorable? Easy to spell?

You can’t do that with

Why is this Important?

A difficult domain is actually wasted opportunity and wasted traffic slipping through your fingers. If you’re promoting via audio or video (maybe on podcasts or on YouTube) – you need a domain that is EASY to remember. It has to make it into the person’s ears and to his brain and stick. Heck, even if you run into an old college friend and say “Stop by my site www (dot) somethingcool (dot) com” – you’ll want her to remember long enough to actually come to your blog, right? So, make it simple. Make it memorable. And you’ll be glad.

Plus, honestly, it’s a credibility issue. Would you really buy something from I hope you wouldn’t even think of getting out your credit card for a site like that. SCARY. And would you feel comfortable referring it to your friends? Not a chance.

How do you get a domain?

You can get a domain at which is also my recommendation for Web Hosting. As you sign up for your domain, you can get hosting at the same time. And… they’ll even set up your blog for you for only $10. Plus, there’s a phone number that you can call if you have any questions.

With all of that help, there’s nothing stopping you from setting up your first blog.

I hope this has been helpful. And, I really look forward to seeing YOU on Oprah!

Nicole Dean is co-owner of Mom Webs Hosting – where you’ll find the host with the most. It offers everything a mom blogger needs – reliability, unlimited hosting, and customer service that never makes you feel intimidated — all at a price you can afford. was created to help overcome the technical hurdles that may be preventing moms from sharing themselves with the online world. Check out the free training at

It’s Time To Create Your Information Products

Many people want to become information publishers. Yet they don’t want to write a book. Good news. You don’t have to!

However, before we talk about how to get around creating the product yourself let’s take a look at a few reasons you might want to write it yourself.

  1. You know your niche topic better than most.
  2. You’ll get the book/product you want.
  3. If you can talk you can write a book.
  4. You don’t have to write a book you can create a video series.
  5. Writing it yourself doesn’t have to take long or cost any money. In fact, you can write an ebook in a week.

The process is simple:

  • Choose your topic
  • Create a plan/outline
  • Write on your topic. Don’t edit or research. Make notes about where you need more information
  • Fill in the blanks. Edit and polish
  • Add graphics, disclaimer, and copyright
  • Save as a secured PDF
  • Sell

And, if you’re not convinced, then here are a few ways you can create a product without having to do it yourself.

happy outsourcing


You can hire a ghostwriter to create an information product for you. There are some truly wonderful ghostwriters. You can provide the topic and the outline to them and they do the rest. You have 100% rights to the product once it’s been created and paid for.

Before hiring a ghostwriter or contractor be sure to review samples of their work. Sign a work for hire agreement that stipulates your rights. Make sure it also covers delivery dates and fees.


PLR stands for Private Label Rights. You can buy ebooks and other information products and the rights to them. Depending on the rights you buy it generally means you can modify and brand the book however you want. You can then resell it. PLR quality varies from company to company. Some companies have a great reputation for quality. Research your potential PLR provider before you buy.

Before we talk about the money making aspect of info publishing it’s important to reiterate that you can create your own information products. If you have an hour a day for thirty days you can create your product and have it polished and ready to go at the end of the month. Faith in yourself and a commitment to the process is all you need.

Resources for  creating information products:

How to Write a Book

Happy Outsourcing

Craigslist Outsourcing Secrets

Outsourcing Webinar With Rachel Rofe

What You Need To Start Publishing Information

Getting started in info publishing is a pretty straight forward process. You need:

  • A niche
  • Home office with computer
  • A business plan
  • Business operation software
  • Marketing strategy

Let’s take a look at each of these items a little more closely.


Your niche is your specialized topic. It’s important to choose a niche because it’ll be easier to be competitive. It’ll be easier to be profitable. For example, there are many books on home organization. However, there may not be a book on how to organize your garage for maximum efficiency. Or garage organization for single women. That’s even more specialized.

Choosing a niche may be the most important step you take. You’ll want to make sure you’re choosing a topic that you’re passionate about. What’s your passion? Make a list. Choose ten to fifteen topics you love. The more enthusiasm you have for your topic the easier it’ll be to make money. Now research demand. How many people are looking for your information? Finally, you’ll want to see how much competition there is. Keyword research tools can help you find a profitable niche.

Home Office

It’s nice if you can have a quiet and organized place to work. It’ll help you get and stay productive. However, if you don’t have room for a home office you at least need a computer. Your computer will be ground zero for your business operations so make sure it supports you r needs and consider investing in a backup system.

Business Operation Software

In adding to software to create your information product, like Microsoft Word and Adobe PDF maker you’ll want to consider:

  • Auto-responder
  • Shopping cart software
  • Website analytics
  • Bookkeeping software

Business Plan

Once you have a niche it’s also time to begin planning your business. What type of information products are you going to publish? There are a number of products you can create. The most common is the ebook. You can also create:

  • Home study courses
  • Workbooks
  • Online courses
  • Video series.
  • Informative interview series (recorded and delivered via audio download)
  • Workshops and seminars (recorded and delivered via audio or video download)
  • Reports
  • Checklists, templates, blueprints, mind maps and other smaller downloads.

You can also decide to create one book on one niche topic or a series of products on one niche topic. Your business plan is where you set out your vision and goals for your business. Research your competition. Document your target audience. Plan how you’re going to market and sell to them.

Sales and Marketing Strategy

Your sales and marketing strategy will be part of your business plan. However, they’re important enough to isolate as an independent step in the business creation process. You’ll want to take a look at various marketing strategies and tools. For example, do you want a website or blog? What’s your domain name going to be? What tactics will you use to promote your information product?

You’ve chosen a niche. You’ve set up your home office and created a comprehensive business plan. It’s time to get busy creating that product that’s going to line your pockets with money.

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