deep link building

The Basics of Link Building For SEO

Link building is still one of the best ways to increase your website’s link popularity and page rank. While it sounds simple enough, it can be a mammoth task and you want to make sure that you are being linked to by high quality websites that people respect and trust. You also want to make sure you are building SEO links in positive ways that will not undermine your brand. Here are a few things to keep in mind:

  1. Quality over quantity. Sometimes the most important principles are also the most obvious, but people still overlook them all the time. While you want your links to be visible and attract the attention of as many people at once, you do not want to flood the internet with irrelevant links. If you are foolish enough to do that, you will dilute your brand, and your links will become synonymous with spam. Instead, be mindful of where your links appear, and make sure if someone clicks them, they lead somewhere relevant and engaging. Remember this is the guiding principle of good SEO practices. You provide quality content that is optimized so people can find you, not junk content that is trying to trick people into landing on your page.
  2. Embrace social media. It seems every web page you go to these days is asking you to like it on Facebook, Tweet about it on Twitter, or share it over a variety of sites including Digg, delicious, and LinkedIn. If someone does decide to do any or all of those things, you have just received the most valuable word of mouth possible. We all tend to pay more attention to these because people we like and admire are deciding something is noteworthy enough to recommend. Depending on your venture, this can seem silly sometimes, but it is a simple element to integrate into your website which can pay off big time.
  3. Share your opinion. Both Review and Q&A sites are extensions of social media, but they do deserve their own special category. While tracking what others say about your company and responding in a professional way are both good practices, writing reviews of other products and answering questions are also excellent ways to establish yourself as a resource. Amazon’s review and list sections are great ways to build relationships (and links) with consumers. Make sure that when you do this, your submissions are genuine, relevant to your brand, and truly helpful.
  4. Expand your website. These days, the most interesting (and SEO link friendly) websites are ones that offer more than just an avenue to whatever you are selling. Resource sections that explain things that relate to your products and provide instructions or ideas on how to use your services can add some quality content to your website. Yes, your website needs to be functional, but it can also be fun and informative. Blogs and forums are two other great ways to expand your website’s reach and foster deeper connections with prospective clients. Just make sure you are offering quality content and not content for content’s sake. If you need to hire a person or an SEO firm to manage that for you, do so. It will be a worthwhile investment.

Focus on what is a good fit for you. Whether you are manufacturing widgets, making rock n’ roll, or offering a service that makes people’s lives easier, your primary focus should be on doing whatever it is you do well. When you provide something of value, link building will happen as enthusiasts spread the word. That does not mean you should not run contests, upload instructional videos to YouTube, or be an active internet presence. It means that balance and authenticity will mean more than throwing everything on the web to see what sticks. Invest your resources wisely and do not hesitate to secure some professional SEO help.

Link building is still one of the best ways to increase your website’s link popularity and page rank. Building SEO links in positive ways makes a significant impact. Ryan Michael Farrell is a professional off site SEO specialist for the search engine marketing firm Wpromote.

How to Create a Link to a Specific Page With CJ

A few days ago I wrote a post about How to Create a Link to a Specific Page With Share-a-Sale. Today let’s see how we can deep link for CJ merchants. A deep link is a link made to a specific product.

Most merchants selling products have deep linking set up already. You’ll see a “View Products” link as shown below. If you can only see “View Links,” deep linking is not set up for that specific merchant.

CJ deep linking

If your merchant does have deep links, once you enter your keyword you’ll see something like this:

CJ deep linking

Some merchants don’t have a list of their products, but you can build a link to specific pages on their sites in the CJ interface (not all CJ merchants have this option available). Let’s take a look at how you can do that:

Let’s say I wanted to create a link to “Biozone 1000 Pure Home and Office Air Purifier” (a product on CJ). I’d click on “View Links” (shown below).

CJ deep linking

On the next page, I can see the offers from this particular merchant in the form of image links, as well as text links.

CJ deep linking

On the right side of the above page, you’ll see the option to get Java or HTML links. For deep linking, we use HTML. Click on “Get HTML”.

CJ deep linking

Next, you’ll see the following screen:

CJ deep linking

Fill out the necessary information here. First, pick the site you are creating your link for. In the SID field, you can create a tracking code so you know where your sales are coming from. In the destination URL field, paste the link to the specific product page. Lastly, click the “Update Link Code”.

Next, look under the “Update Link Code” and you’ll find your code. Click on “Highlight Code”, then copy and paste it into your page. If you look carefully at the code below, you’ll see that the text of the link is “” Change it to your product name: in this case, “Biozone 1000 Pure Home and Office Air Purifier“.

CJ deep linking

That’s all. Questions? Feel free to ask.