There are a number of different pay per click networks the most well known being Googles Adwords. Simply because Google gets the most search engine traffic so it’s logical to use them if you want to make money with pay per click. That’s not say you can’t make money with the others, in fact many people do. Just that if your looking to make the most money possible you want lots of people to see your ad. There are a number of different ways you can make money with pay per click. These are building a list, promoting affiliate products, promoting your own product, testing and creating better affiliate promotion material.
1. Building a List – If you’ve been online for more than a minute then you’ll have heard the phrase “the moneys in the list”. An easy way to build a list is by sending pay per click traffic to a squeeze page. This is simply a page which has an opt in box and offers a free gift such as an ebook in exchange for their email.
2. Promote Affiliate Products – This is the easiest way to get started as it doesn’t require you to set up a site. All you have to do is select a product from one of the many affiliate networks such as clickbank or commission junction. Then create an ad which sends traffic to them.
3. Promote Your own product – A step up from promoting affiliate products is promoting your own. Of course this takes longer to set up as you have to purchase a domain, sort out hosting and actually create a product. But the benefits are well worth it as you get 100% of any sales you make. Which not only means you make more money but you can bid more on keywords. As even if you don’t make that much on the front end you can still make money from an up-sell.
4. Testing – Pay per click is a great way of testing as it provides you with a steady stream of instant traffic. Allowing you to tweak your sales copy so that when your site starts showing up in the organic results it’s already converting at a decent rate.
5. Creating Better Affiliate Promotional Material – By running your own pay per click ads you’ll find out which keywords to use along with which ads convert best. Now your probably wondering why you’d want to give that information to your affiliates. Simple sure you wont make as much per sale but it frees you from having to constantly manage your campaign. Also the more affiliates promoting your product the more money you can make on the back-end.
There you go that’s 5 ways telling you how to make with pay per click.
If you need a guide on how to start your first campaign and beyond, check out Matt Levenhagen’s Campaign Blasts.