broken link

As simple as creating a text link is, it trips many marketers, when they need it most. A broken link is useless, even detrimental, so learning how to do it properly is important.

Text links are an effective way to drive traffic to your website or to internal web pages by linking to them in your content or from external pages. They’re usually referred to as a “link” or a “hyperlink”.

In many word processing programs, like MS Word, you can simply highlight the text you want to use to create the link and then click on the link icon in your toolbar. Once that pops up, you simply type or search for the appropriate page you want to link to and you’re good to go.

However, if you’re creating your links in a text document or using HTML to write your content, then you’ll need to know a few things.

First of all, by default, all links will appear as follows in all browsers:

* An unvisited link is underlined and blue
* A visited link is underlined and purple
* An active link is underlined and red

In order to write your own anchor links you’ll need to know some basic HTML. Here’s an example of what an anchor link would look like and what the various codes mean: <a href=””</a&gt;

* The <a> tag opens an anchor and </a> closes the anchor
* href      URL      Specifies the destination of a link

So if I wanted to point someone to my Free Niche Research the code would be: <a href=””>Free Niche Research</a>

It’s pretty straight forward and easy to accomplish whether you’re doing the coding yourself or using a WSYWYG type interface. Regardless, anchor text  links are a great way to link with your desired keyword phrases to specific pages in your content.

There are other things you can add to your anchor links:

* open your link in a new window: add target=”_blank” , so the above link ‘s code will look like this: <a target=”_blank” href=””>Free Niche Research</a>

* to change the link’s color, add style=“color: #CC0000”, where #CCoooo is a red color, and so my link above would have the following code: <a style=“color: #CC0000” href=””>Free Niche Research</a>, and it woudl look like this: Free Niche Research

* you can also add an HTML hyperlink title, like this: title=”describe your link here”, so my link above would look lie this with the added title tag:  <a title=”check out these niches, already researched for you” href=””>Free Niche Research</a>

All of the above examples should be in one line (the width of the blog here is too narrow to include the entire line of code, so make sure you don’t have any hard breaks in the middle of your link code)

There are other, more advanced ways to modify your links, but the above should get you started. Make sure you format your anchor text links properly for maximum success.